Saturday, May 24, 2008

SI Cover Not A Hit Among Rays; Mooney Won't Tell Us Why
Earlier this week The Professor told you about the first ever Spots Illustrated cover to feature the Tampa Bay Rays (and it was not making fun of the Rays!).

Yesterday, Roger Mooney of the Bradenton Herald got the reactions of a few of the Rays, and oh so subtly dropped this little bomb on us:
It is the first time Sports Illustrated used a cartoon-themed cover in its nearly 54 years, and the idea isn't exactly a winner inside the Rays clubhouse.
Oh really?

You would expect Mooney to then provide us with a quote from Crawford or somebody else as to why the cover "isn't exactly a winner inside the Rays clubhouse". Nope. He then immediately goes into a quote from Carl Crawford on how "nice" it was to be on the cover.

So, the Rays are on the cover of Sports Illustrated for the first time ever, in a historical issue (first ever cartoon cover) and yet some of the Rays didn't like the idea and Mooney doesn't tell us why.

Crawford, Rays happy to be on cover of Sports Illustrated [Bradenton Herald]



Blogger DirtbagFan said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

1:53 PM  
Blogger DirtbagFan said...

Can you believe that chuckle-heads like that make money for writing (and how ironic that i, in the process of chiding him, use such a horribly put together sentence; but i digress)? How irresponsible to report on things without actually researching the topic... shameless.

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i read that article 5 times, CONVINCED that you must have missed something. I am still trying to figure out why that sentence is in there.

1:57 PM  
Blogger Devil Ray Guevara said...

i did the same thing. i was convinced that i was missing something when i read it.

3:59 PM  

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